An authentic replica of Noah's Ark that opened a few weeks ago in the Netherlands could soon be flooded with tourists.

The ark was designed by a millionaire contractor and creationist named Johan Huibers, to be as close to the original biblical description of Noah's vessel as possible.

The ark described in the Book of Genesis measured to 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. A cubit is supposed to be the distance of a man's arm from the elbow to the fingertips, so Huibers used his own arm and his ark came to be around 450 feet long, according to Sky News.
Huibers envisioned building the model s20 years ago when he had a dream that the Netherlands was submerged in a flood like the Old Testament destruction.

This wooden recreation, four years in the making, is the second one he's built. In 2004, he built a half-scale version that he sailed around his native country's canals, ChannelsTV.com reported.

It attracted a wave of publicity when Huibers opened it to tourists and he used the proceeds from admissions to build the full-size ship.

He hoped to take it to London, but had to dry dock those plans when Olympic officials asked him to use safety rules that weren't around in Noah's time.

"We would like to carry 3,000 people on the boat (so) you can't say: 'We'll leave it like that,'" manager Deborah Venema-Huibers told SkyNews. "You have (to clear) everything with the fire department, as it is all wood. It took such a long time that we had to skip the Olympics."

There are some concessions to modernity. Huibers used Swedish pine instead of the "gopher wood" mentioned in the Bible. Huibers says that's okay since, in the Bible, God told Noah to use a "resin wood." It's also built around a steel frame.

Another concession to modernity, or at least to animal rights, instead of two of each kind of animal, there are only a few live chickens on the boat and a whole menagerie of life-size plastic critters such as giraffes, elephants and donkeys, NewsTrackIndia.com reported.

"Johan's Ark," as Huibers boat is known, is opening in a period where Noah's Ark-related news stories are flooding the media.

Earlier this year, ArkEncounter, a proposed theme park in Kentucky, aroused attention when the state's governor, Steve Beshear, giving it a $43 million tax break.

Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky is reportedly working on a movie of the Noah's Ark tale that would feature Russell Crowe in the title role. Former Baywatch actress Donna's D'Errico has spent the last two years organizing a trip to Mt. Ararat in Turkey to actually look for the remains of the Ark.

In addition, Aaron Fruh, right-wing pastor in Alabama, came to Chick-fil-A's defense last week by claiming that same-sex marriage brought about the great flood that Noah endured.

From: www.huffingtonpost.com
Brasil: evangélicos crecen el 61% en 10 años
A total of 42 million, 300 thousand Brazilians claiming to be evangelical Christians in 2010, 61.45 percent more than the existing 26 million 200 thousand in 2000.

According to census data reveal the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the number of evangelicals in 2000 accounted for 15.4 percent of the Brazilian population and 2010, and amounted to 22.2 percent of the inhabitants of South American giant, said the IBGE.

This means that evangelicals have been the confession or creed that has increased in this period.

Most striking is the rapid pace Protestant when compared with 1991, when spanning only nine percent of the population, and 1980, with 6.6 percent.


Despite this increase Evangelical, Catholics are still the majority in Brazil. But the percentage of Catholics fell to a low historical rate of 64.6% of its population of 191 million people, so they are currently 123.3 million, still the country with the most followers of this religion in the world. But in the previous census of 2000 represented 73.6% of the population and in 1970 were almost 92% according to IBGE data.

But if we go back to when it was made the first census in 1872, Catholics accounted for 99.7%. The state with fewer Catholics is that of Rio de Janeiro (southeast), with 45.8%.


It also increases the spirit religions, which in 2010 had 3.8 million followers in Brazil (1.9% of the population). The census also indicates that this is the religious group has the highest proportion of people with full level of higher education and higher incomes.

A total of 15.3 million said to have no religion (8% of Brazilians).
In addition, more than half a million Brazilians declared themselves followers of religions with Afro-Brazilian bases religions like Candomble and Umbanda.

From: www.protestantedigital.com
Published and translated by: Maná News 


After two and a half years of separation Benny Hinn will again be happily married through a wedding of reconciliation held on 26 October.

Suzanne filed for divorce the televangelist in February of 2010 alleging causes "irreconcilable," but the couple recently said that God has worked in their lives through the miracle of reconciliation.

This week Hinns held a "memorable night of miracles" in the Church of Calvary Assemblies of God in Orlando. It was there announced their wedding day to be held in the same place.
"You wake up to the fact that one needs his wife, and she wakes up with the fact that her husband is needed," said Benny. "It's my fault and my mistake is that I got involved with both the ministry was not paying attention to Suzanne and the struggles for what was going on emotionally."

Jack Hayford, pastor rector of the King University in Los Angeles and who is also a pastor and director of Jack Hayford Ministries will be responsible for the ceremony. Hinns have delegated Hayford  the counseling process for the restoration of their marriage.

From: www.cbn.com

Published and translated by: Maná News 

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